Sunday, January 29, 2012

Unit 5 Reflection!

Tangential and Rotational Velocity:
We started the unit by learning about tangential velocity and rotational velocity. My class found out that rotational velocity is about the number of rotations over a time. When talking about rotational inertia we discovered that if, for example, two kids are playing on a merry-go-round regardless of their position their rotational velocity is the same! So, does that mean their tangential velocity is the same? No! Tangential velocity depends on how far away the body is from the axis of rotation. If the body is far away from the axis of rotation it needs to cover a greater distance per rotation therefore it has a greater tangential velocity, the opposite is true for an object close to the axis of rotation.

tangential speed ~ radial distance x rotational speed 

Rotational inertia:

Rotational inertia is the same as linear inertia but for rotating objects. Just like objects moving in a linear path, rotating objects do not want to stop doing what they are already doing. Rewriting Newton's first law we can say: 
An object rotating about an axis tends to remain rotating around an axis unless interfered with by some external force and an object not rotating wants to remain that way unless an outside force is applied. 

Rotational inertia depends on concentration of mass and how far is it from the axis of rotation. The furthest away the concentration of mass is from the center the greater it's rotational inertia is. I struggled to convince myself that the greater the rotational inertia the hardest it is to start rotating, I always wanted to say that it would start rotating sooner than an object with a small rotational inertia. The secret to understand this concept is always to remind yourself that the inertia is laziness and the lazier the object is the more reluctant it would be to start rotating!
The video above shows that because the hoop has it's concentration of mass away from the axis and the disk is solid (both have the same mass). The hoop has more rotational inertia and therefore is more reluctant to start rotating and therefore loses the race.

After talking about rotational inertia we talked about torque which changes the rotation of things. It is important to know that torque is lever arm times the force (force = weight). The concept of torque is used to understand why some things are balanced and how to create a balanced system. The best example for this is a see-saw. If you have too people with different weights it is impossible to maintain the board balanced if they are both sited the same distance from the axis of rotation since for a system to be balanced there needs to be equal torques. To make the board balanced with different weights you need to increase the lever arm (lever arm = smallest distance from the axis of rotation, always perpendicular to force) of the person with the least weight so that the torques equal.  In practice the heaviest person of a see-saw needs to sit close to the center while the lightest one sits away from it as the Figure 1 shows.

Center of Mass/Weight and Stability:
Center of mass is the average position of all the mass that makes up the object. If the object is symmetrical the center of mass is at the geometrical center. Center of mass is called center of gravity when weight is involved. To balance an object one needs to hold it on the center of mass and that will support the entire object and thus it will be balanced. Stability has everything to do with center of gravity. If the center of balance of an object is directly above it's base it will have balance if it is not it is unbalanced. The concept of center of mass and stability explains why you lean forward when carrying a heavy backpack, you want to keep your center of mass over your feet so you can keep your balance. The boy in the picture above is not leaning forward and that is why he feels unbalanced. If he can shift his center of mass so that is over his feet maybe he can make in time for class!
Dylan Kimmel
Centripetal Force and Centrifugal "Force":
Centripetal force is a force directed towards the center. If you have a can and a sting that your swing above your head you can notice the effect of centrifugal force. Even though you may think that there is a force pulling the can out there is only the force of tension of the string pulling it to the center. When talking about centripetal force we used the spin cycle of the of a washing machine as an example. The fact that the clothes are drier after the spin cycle is explained because the water and clothes have the same tangential velocity the water can go through the wholes in the side because there is no external force stopping them from continuing moving in the straight line they want to keep following since it has inertia.  The sides of the washing machine provide a force of friction on the clothes that for that reason are pushed inward (centripetal force). It is possible to think that there is a centrifugal force on the clothes on the washing machine since they stay up against the washing machine walls but centrifugal force does not exist! The clothes seemed to be pushed outward because of the combination of the velocity of the clothes that is tangential to the circle with the friction force from the walls of the washing machine.

Conservation of Angular Momentum: 
Just like linear momentum angular momentum is also conserved. The fact that angular momentum is conserved   allows us to establish a relationship between it's two component: rotational inertia and rotational velocity. Angular momentum is rotational velocity times rotational inertia, since angular momentum is conserved they have a inversely proportional relation. The inversely proportional relation means, in other words, that if rotational inertia increases rotational velocity will decrease and the other way around. The ballerina on the video bellow is an example of conservation of angular momentum. The girl extends her leg and arms and that increases her rotational inertia (because her mass is farther away from the axis of rotation) and therefore decreases her rotational velocity  since angular momentum is conserved. The ballerina probably has no idea but the fact that she decreases her velocity after every turn allows her to be able to put her foot flat on the ground and regain balance to do another pirouette.

This unit was probably one of the trickiest on the sense that all the concepts seemed to overlap. When trying to answer homework questions it was sometimes difficult to understand which concept to use. After some practice it became easier to distinct what concept the question was actually asking about. I struggled understanding how the train wheels work, what helped me to understand this was reading about on the book again. After reading about it I figured out that it was all about different tangential velocities and that they cause the train to self correct along it's way.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Meter Stick Lab

The objective of this lab was to use a meter stick and a 100g lead weight to find the mass of the meter stick. My original plan was to find the lever arm of the meter stick with the weight and than calculate the torque by using the equation torque = lever arm x force. My plan did not work because I did not know that the force that had to be used for this equation was only the force of the lead weight and not the force of the lead weight plus the force of the meter stick as I previously thought. When me and my partner started to try different approaches to finding out the mass of the meter stick we both agree that the torque of the meter stick would equal the torque of the lead weight. (torque1 = torque 2 /  force x lever arm = force x lever arm) since the meter stick was balancing. From that point we started to try finding the numbers that had to be plug in to find the weight of the meter stick. We knew that force in this case would equal the weight of the meter stick and the other force would equal the weight of the lead weight.  We balanced the meter stick with the lead weight on the edge and found that the lever arm for the that side was 29 cm and assumed that the lever arm for the meter stick alone would be from the axis of rotation to the end of the stick (51 cm). Thinking we finally got the right result we wrote down the equation: 


This was not the right result! After struggling some more we noticed that the force could not be in grams therefore the force had to be converted to newtons. We used the formula w = mg and found out that the force was 0.98 Newtons. That was not our only mistake on the equation above. Miss Lawrence explained that the lever arm for the the meter stick was not 51 because that was not the measure from the center of mass of the meter stick to the axis of rotation. To find the correct lever arm we balanced the stick without the weight and than measured the distance between the distance from the axis of rotation of the system to the center of mass of the stick and we got 21.2 cm. Now that we had all the correct number we plug them all in the previous equation:


When I got to this result and converted from weight to mass (w = mg) and got 0.136 I though I got the wrong answer again since a meter stick could not be 0.136 grams. Ms. Lawrence than pointed out that my answer was not in grams but in Kg so it was actually 136g  which makes a lot more sense.